From Young To Being A Father...The All Journey Frozen In A Beutiful Song...Elysium By Bear´s Den

I´m a almost 50 years old guy, I grew up surfing with my friends, playing music in bands with them and leaving the life full of hope and dreams. We really see beauty in this world and we feel at the times that everything will be possible and we, all of us, belongs to something real, something that means. We were young's, most of us were artists, musicians, and I can say we were a bunch of very alive kids, strongly attached to nature, to the sea, to life and we were so close each others, we feel like we were true brothers.

But for circumstances of life, massive exodus, exile, war, political violence and also in other cases just guided by our curios and traveler spirits, and following our own nomad nature,some of us just move very faraway. Also I truly believe one of the mainly reasons of our separation was because the enormous pressure society and adult life put on our shoulders, we ended being separated and barely in contact trough the coming years.

The only words that coming to my mind to describe the pain and the immense sadness and loneliness I feel when I lose, my home, my family and one by one all of my friends trough the years is like been expelled from paradise and leave it alone in a desolated and confusing desert...Despite that we continued our lives, founded our own families, some of my friend died, some others like me survive and see all the rest depart, and just now after 25+ years of exile, my closest friends and me, we talk again.

Nowadays that I´m a father and I lived all these years and walk all that steeps, I can tell you that this song is a masterpiece and the video is an amazing human creation, I can´t find words to tell you how deep is the message behind the lyrics and how accurate is that image in my mind seeing the ^Wide Open Eyes^ of the younger, full of life and innocence, all of those like my son, that they just started this long journey, and seeing on them a portrait of myself when I still keep my innocence intact,and was very great to find It frozen in a beautiful song like this one, that was a beautiful, emotional and powerful moment to me. Is just an amazing and beautiful gift ... So I just can tell everybody be grateful and recognized the art and the beauty of songs and a videos like this ones... Only when we became older we understand the magnitude and the gift that this years of innocence are to us, and only when It disappeared is when we realize their beauty and we start to try to soften the sharp edges of life to help, the youngest to enjoy the best years of their life's when they are young's and full of hope and life.

The video was filming following a group of students of the Seattle Pacific University (so they are real people, not actors) and is another masterpiece. Filmmaker was James Marcus Haney and I think the message was capture by him and portrayed in a beautiful artistic and human way…

And as a bonus I want to share with you the live version of the song, because I find it just beautiful and also a very powerful and excellent performance and the lyric of the song. I hope all of you enjoy it…

Elysium Lyric By Bear´s Den:

Brother do you believe in an afterlife

Where our souls will both collide

In some great Elysium

Way up in the sky

Free from our shackles, our chains

Our mouths, our brains

We'll open all the gates

And we will walk careless

Straight into the light

I've never felt so enlightened

With every page I turn

I only find myself feeling more alone

Posing questions to a silent universe

My very thoughts a curse

They just seem to multiply

Forever in my mind

Brother don't grow up

Brother please never grow up

Hold out against the night

Guard your hope with your life

For the darkness, she will come

Oh and you will have nowhere left to run

Oh but your eyes are wider than mine

And help me to sleep

I just hope that age does not erase

All that you see

Don't let bitterness become you

Your only hopes are all within you

Hold out against the night

Guard your hope with your life

Mauro Brando